Ridhima Agarwal

Shattila Ekadashi 6 Feb 2024 : Story, Spiritual Significance, Fasting Schedule, and Parana Time

Shattila Ekadashi 6 Feb 2024

Shattila Ekadashi - 6 Feb 2024

Story, Spiritual Significance, Fasting Schedule, and Parana Time

Shattila Ekadashi

Shattila Ekadashi 6 Feb 2024 : Date and Time

Magha, Krishna Paksh Ekadashi

Ekadashi tithi begins : Feb 5, 2024 – 11:54 AM (IST)

Ekadashi tithi ends : Feb 6, 2024 – 10:37 AM (IST)

Parana Time : Feb 7, 2024 – 7:33 AM – 8:32 AM (IST)

Dwadashi ending time : Feb 7, 2024 – 8:32 AM (IST)

Shattila Ekadashi Story (Katha)

Yudhishthira asked, “O Jagannath, O Krishna, O Adideva, O Lord of the Universe! Which Ekadashi falls in the Krishna Paksha of the month of Magha? What is the proper method to observe it, and what are its benefits? Please explain all these details, O wise one.”

The Supreme Lord replied, “O great king, listen carefully. The Ekadashi that falls in the Krishna Paksha of the month of Magha is known as ‘Shattila Ekadashi.’ It is renowned for destroying all sins. Now, hear the sin-destroying story of Shattila Ekadashi, which was narrated by the sage Pulastya to Dalbhya.

Dalbhya asked, ‘O Brahman! People who come to the mortal world often commit sinful actions. What is the means by which they can avoid going to hell? Please explain this to me.'”

Pulastya Muni replied, “O great soul, you have asked an excellent question. Listen as I explain. When the month of Magha arrives, one should bathe, purify oneself, and control the senses. One must renounce negative qualities such as lust, anger, arrogance, greed, and gossip. Remembering the supreme Lord, one should wash their feet with water and collect cow dung lying on the ground. From this cow dung, excluding sesame seeds and cotton, one should prepare 108 small balls.

When the Ardra or Mula Nakshatra occurs in the month of Magha, one should take a vow to observe the Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha. After purifying oneself with a good bath, one should worship the supreme Lord Vishnu with a pure heart. If any mistakes occur, one should chant the name of Krishna.

During the night, one should remain awake and perform a homa (sacrificial fire ritual). Using materials such as sandalwood, argaja, camphor, and other items, one should worship Lord Vishnu, who holds the conch, disc, and mace. After this, one should remember the Lord and repeatedly chant the name of Krishna. Offering fruits like pumpkins, coconuts, or citron to the Lord, one should give the arghya (offering).

In the absence of other materials, one can also use a hundred areca nuts for worship and offering. The mantra for the arghya is as follows: 

कृष्ण कृष्ण कृपालुस्त्वमगतीनां गतिर्भव | 

संसारार्णवमझानां प्रसीद पुरुषोत्तम ॥

 नमस्ते पुण्डरीकाक्ष नमस्ते विश्वभावन । 

सुब्रह्मण्य नमस्तेऽस्तु महापुरुष पूर्वज ॥ 

गृहाणार्घ्यं मया दत्तं लक्ष्म्या सह जगत्पते ।

Krishna Krishna Kripalu, you are the savior of the helpless. Be gracious, O Supreme Person, to those who are lost in the ocean of worldly existence.

I bow to you, Pundarikaksha (lotus-eyed one), I bow to you, the creator of the universe. Greetings to you, Subrahmanya, O great ancient person.

Accept the arghya offered by me, O Lord of the world, along with Lakshmi.

“Satchidananda-svarupa Shri Krishna! You are immensely compassionate. Be the refuge for us, the shelterless beings. O Purushottama, we are drowning in the ocean of worldly existence, please be gracious to us. Lotus-eyed one, we bow to you; creator of the universe, we bow to you. Subrahmanya, O great ancient being, we bow to you. O Lord of the universe, please accept the arghya offered by me along with Goddess Lakshmi.”

Following this invocation, one should worship the Brahmin, offering him a pot of water, along with an umbrella, shoes, and clothing. While giving these, one should say, “May Lord Krishna be pleased with me through this donation.” Additionally, one should donate a black cow to a deserving Brahmin, according to one’s capability. An intelligent person should also offer a vessel filled with sesame seeds. For as many branches as can grow from the planted sesame seeds, one will be established in heaven for thousands of years.

On Shattila Ekadashi, it is prescribed to bathe with sesame seeds, apply a sesame paste, perform homa (fire offering) with sesame seeds, drink water mixed with sesame seeds, donate sesame seeds, and consume food made with sesame seeds. By utilizing sesame seeds in these six ways, this Ekadashi is called ‘Shattila,’ which is renowned for destroying all sins.

Spiritual Significance of Shattila Ekadashi

Shattila Ekadashi, observed in the Krishna Paksha of the Magha month, holds immense spiritual significance for devotees seeking to cleanse their sins and attain divine grace. This auspicious day is dedicated to the worship of Lord Vishnu, known for His boundless compassion and as the refuge for the shelterless. Observing Shattila Ekadashi involves several sacred rituals centered around the use of sesame seeds, which symbolize purity and spiritual nourishment. Devotees bathe with sesame seeds, apply sesame paste on their bodies, perform homa (fire offerings) with sesame seeds, drink water mixed with sesame seeds, donate sesame seeds, and consume food prepared with sesame seeds. These six uses of sesame seeds are the reason why this Ekadashi is named ‘Shattila.’

The spiritual practices performed on Shattila Ekadashi are believed to purify the body and soul, eliminate past sins, and bestow divine blessings. By engaging in these rituals with devotion, one can please Lord Vishnu, who in turn grants protection and liberation from the cycle of birth and death. The donation of sesame seeds, water pots, and other essential items to Brahmins on this day is considered highly meritorious and enhances the spiritual benefits of the vrat (fast).

The observance of Shattila Ekadashi also includes worshipping the Brahmins and offering them items like pots of water, umbrellas, shoes, and clothes. It is said that such acts of charity on this sacred day multiply one’s spiritual rewards manifold. Furthermore, devotees invoke the blessings of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi through specific mantras and rituals, seeking their grace for prosperity, health, and spiritual growth.

In essence, Shattila Ekadashi is a powerful day for devotees to renew their spiritual commitments, perform acts of charity, and purify their minds and bodies. The rituals and significance associated with this Ekadashi offer a profound opportunity for spiritual elevation, ultimately leading towards moksha, or liberation.

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